Docker CLI Understanding Exercise

  1. Hello World:

    • Run the hello-world image on Docker Terminal. It will pull the hello-world image from the Docker Hub.

      docker run hello-world

  2. Running a Container:

    • Pull and run the nginx server. Once the image pulls, it executes and the nginx server starts.

      docker run -d -p 8080:80 nginx

  3. Listing Containers:

    • List all the running Docker containers.

      docker ps

  4. Stopping a Container:

  • Find the container ID you want to stop from the docker ps command then, stop a running Docker container using that ID.

    docker stop container_id

  1. Removing Container:

    • Remove a Docker Container. Make sure the container is stopped before trying to remove it.

      docker rm container_id

  2. Pulling an Image:

    • Pull the latest Ubuntu image from Docker Hub.

      docker pull ubuntu:latest

  3. Listing Images:

    • List all Docker images present on your system.

      docker images

  4. Docker Run and Exec:

    • Run an Ubuntu container and execute the bash command to access the Ubuntu bash Terminal.

    docker run -it ubuntu bash

  5. Build Docker Image:

    • Create a Dockerfile with an application. Build a Docker image from that Dockerfile.

      touch Dockerfile
      # Write your application into Dockerfile
      docker build -t myapp .
  6. Push Docker Image:

    • Login to DockerHub, tag the image and push your Docker image to Docker Hub. Change username, image_name and image_id with your DockerHub username, desired image name and ID of the created image.
    docker login
    docker tag image_id username/image_name
    docker push username/image_name

By doing these exercises, you will solidify your understanding of the basic commands available in Docker CLI.